There are two secured areas on our website, the
Alumni Directory and the Bulletin Board. They are password-protected,
and for the exclusive access of our alumni only.
To access either of these two areas, please type down this username:
feualumni. (Please note: While our website is,
the username for these two secured areas does not have a hyphen
between feu and alumni). The password for either area is the same.
To obtain the password, send an email to
together with your full name, year of graduation, home address,
telephone number, and your Social Security number, or TIN number
(for alumni in the Philippines).
After verification of the legitimacy of the information, the
password will be sent by email.
Please do not give the password to anyone except to bonafide
fellow FEU medical alumni to preserve the privacy and confidentialty
of the personal and private information about our alumni on those
two areas,a nd to prevent misuse or abuse of our Alumni Directory
and Bulletin Board, which is strictly restricted for the exclusive
use of our medical alumni.
To obtain the username and password to access
this Bulletin Board, please email
providing him these 4 information: your full name, year of graduation,
home address and telephone number. Following verification and
confirmation, she will email you the username and password to
this Bulletin Board. To maintain privacy within our alumni family
and prevent outsider (non-FEU alumni) "intrusion, invasion and
possible misuse" of our Bulletin Board, please do not give out
the username and password except to those you know are our fellow
FEU alumni.