This was a huge success...
Dr. Nicanor Reyes School of Medicine
Alumni Foundation
Class'78 (Silver Jubilee)
Class'58 (Sapphire Jubilee)
Class'63 (Ruby Jubilee)
Class'68 (Coral Jubilee)
Class'73 (Pearl Jubilee)
Class'83 (20th Anniversary)
Class'88 (15th Anniversary)
Class'93 (10th Anniversary)
Jointly Sponsored by
July 16-20, 2003
Norfolk Waterside Marriott
235 East Main Street
Norfolk, VA 23510, USA (757) 627-4200
ALUMNI FOUNDATION is a not-for-profit organization of 2600+
alumni physicians throughout the United States. Established
31 years ago, FEUDNRSM Alumni Foundation missions are focused
on educational, charitable, humanitarian, community and civic
services here in this country, in the Philippines and at the
FEU-Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation Institute of Medicine (West
Fairview, Quezon City).
ANNUAL REUNION: The first Alumni Foundation reunion was held at Marriott Lincolnshire (IL) during the 1978 APPA Convention alumni night. The event was so successful that our alumni decided to meet again every summertime to renew friendship, reminisce about the past, honor outstanding classmates, and have our families meet new friends. The New Jersey Chapter hosted the next reunion at the Playboy Great Gorge Hotel. In 1980, the first annual reunion with a scientific seminar was held in Orlando. In the succeeding years, the affair was held in Anaheim 1981, Boston 1982, Grand Island in Niagara Falls (NY) 1983, Indian Lake Resort in Chicago 1984, Orlando 1985, Virginia Beach 1986, Toronto 1987, Long Beach 1988, St. Louis 1989, Washington (D.C.) 1990, Atlantic City 1991, San Francisco 1992, Oakbrook Hills Resort in Chicago 1993, New Orleans 1994, Las Vegas 1995, Minneapolis 1996, Dallas 1997, Anaheim 1998, Atlantic City 1999, Indian Lakes Resort in Chicago 2000, Monte Carlo Hotel Casino, Las Vegas 2001, and Grand Hyatt San Francisco on Union Square 2002. The occasion has served as a venue not only to see our classmates, but also to present talents other than our medical expertise during the Filipiniana night and to plan activities for our annual reunion in West Fairview the following January.
SCIENTIFIC SEMINAR: Three comprehensive, accredited half-day programs that cover a broad spectrum of updates and current trends in medicine, designed not only for the primary practitioners but also for the specialists highlight the event. This continuing medical education activity has been planned and implemented with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), co-sponsored by the Philippine Medical Association in Chicago which is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education meeting for physicians and takes responsibility for the content, quality, and scientific integrity of this CME activity. It meets the criteria for 14 credit hours of the Category I ACCME Physicians' Recognition Award for the American Medical Association. The objectives of the scientific seminar are to offer a review of and an update on common medical and surgical problems, focusing on cardiology, endocrinology, infectious diseases, anesthesia, plastic surgery, malpractice, and miscellaneous topics of current interest. Since the CME meetings are held only in the morning, there is plenty of time for fellowship, camaraderie, and reminiscing for the rest of the day.
HONOREES: The honorees of the reunion in 2003 will be led by the members of the Class 78. During the Silver Jubilarian dinner dance, the attending jubilarians are presented, first in slides the way they were in the medical school, then in person - the way they are now. The alumni night will recognize other honorees, namely: Class'58 Sapphire Jubilarians, Class'63 Ruby Jubilarians, Class'68 Coral Jubilarians, Class'73 Pearl Jubilarians, and Class'83 (20th anniversary), Class'88 (15th anniversary), and Class'93 (10th anniversary) celebrants. Members of these Classes are enjoined to attend in full force. If members of these Classes, or any Class, wish to have separate functions or to get together during the reunion, the Alumni Foundation will help with any arrangements. The more classmates you have, the merrier; however, the quality of your enjoyment does not depend only on your "old" friends and classmates. The enthusiasm and spirit of the attendees are generally infectious. The occasion, the place, and the company tend to your having a great time.
EXHIBITS: We have allowed pharmaceutical companies and specialty boutiques to have a show and display. To encourage artistic talents of our alumni, friends and families, there will be a museum/art exposition of their works (e.g. photography, water colors, oil paintings, etc), along with submitted abstracts for poster exhibit presentation