PRC names FEU-NRMF "Top Performing School" The FEU-NRMF cybermed e-library is fully functional already and being utilized by the students. Dean Remedios Habacon received 80 copies of 30 latest edition titles of textbooks from Batch 1980, with a total worth of Php 170,605.00. (Click on the picture to enlarge) These books will be part of the medical library collection as the titles are the ones that are used by our departments as official textbooks. The Dean complimented and thanked the Batch of 1980, and hopeother batches will follow suit and donate other much-needed books (Click on the picture to enlarge)
PRC names FEU-NRMF "Top Performing School"
The FEU-NRMF cybermed e-library is fully functional already and being utilized by the students. Dean Remedios Habacon received 80 copies of 30 latest edition titles of textbooks from Batch 1980, with a total worth of Php 170,605.00. (Click on the picture to enlarge) These books will be part of the medical library collection as the titles are the ones that are used by our departments as official textbooks. The Dean complimented and thanked the Batch of 1980, and hopeother batches will follow suit and donate other much-needed books (Click on the picture to enlarge)