1990 – 1993

Present Position: Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Physiology, FEU-NR Medical Foundation
Senior Consultant, Dept. of Medicine, FEU-NR Medical Foundation Hospital
Physician-in-charge, Nuclear Medicine Laboratory, FEU-NRMF Hospital
Personal Data: Sex: Male
Civil Status: Married
Citizenship: Filipino
Date of Birth: 5 January 1926
Place of Birth: Taal, Batangas, Philippines
Name of Spouse: Lourdes Mercado-Solis
Name of Children: Maria Socorro and Maria Antonieta
Telephone No.: Office - 27-17-83; 25-92-63
Residence - 61-43-20
Educational Background: Doctor of Medicine: University of Sto. Tomas Philippines 1952
Post-Graduate Training: Radioisotopes Techniques Nuclear Training Institute
Course (With Certificate Philippine Atomic Energy Comm. Manila 1964
Of Licensure)
Medical Applications of International Atomic Energy
Radioisotopes (Regional Agency in cooperation with
Training course, Southeast Phil. Atomic Energy Comm. Manila 1964
Applications of Radioisotopes Japan Atomic Energy Research Tokyo 1966
IAEA Fellow in Nuclear Medicine National Institute of Radiological Chiba,
Sciences Japan 1966-67
FEU-NRMF Fellow in Nuclear Johns Hopkins Medical Baltimore,
Medicine Institutions Md., U.S.A. 1976
Other positions Held: Chairman & Full Professor Dept. of Physiology,
FEU-NR Medical Foundation Manila 1976 -
Grants, Fellowship: Fellow 1974 Elected by the Philippine Society of
Nuclear Medicine
Fellow 1974 Elected by the Philippine Society of
Endocrinology and Metabolism
Diplomate in Family Medicine 1978 Awarded by the Phil. Specialty Board
Of Family Medicine
Research: Published:
Nolasco, J.B.; Rodil, D.; Solis, B.A.; Roque, G.A. The Nutritional Efficiency of Commercial Filled Milk as Tested on White Rats. Phil. J. Pediatrics, July-Aug. 1962.

Nagai, T., Solis, B.A. and Koh, C. An Approach to Developing Adrenal Gland Scanning. J. Nuclear Medicine, Vol.9 No. 11: 576-581, 1968.

Ching, B.; Uy, R.; Donato, J. and Solis, B.A. (proctor). Effects of Enteral Administration of Monosodium Glutamate on Intestinal Motility and Microscopic Anatomy. J. Manila Med. Soc., Vol. 9 No. 3: 89-96, 1971

Membership in Professional Societies: Philippine Society of Nuclear Medicine
Radioisotope Society of the Philippines
Philippine Society of Endocrinology and metabolism
Philippine Academy of Family Physicians
Manila Medical Society
Philippine Medical Association

Copyright 1998 Philip S. Chua, M.D. 
All Rights Reserved