
Dr. Ricardo L. Alfonso has distinguished himself in various fields of medicine; medical education, medical administrations, research and medical writing He had assumed positions of responsibility for which he received honors and citations.
In medical education he was Dean, professor, Chairman of Surgery, FEU-NRMF Institute of Medicine; Professor of Surgery – UST and MCU; Professorial lecturer –UP Institute of Public Health and Ateneo; Faculty – Philippine and American Cancer Societies postgraduate courses.
In medical administration, he was director of the FEU-NRMF and the US Army PCAU hospitals; acting director of North General and Doctors hospitals; Medicare Commissioner, R.P.
In research, he was chairman of the research committees of the Phil. Cancer society, Phil College of Surgeons, FEU-NRMF Institute of Medicine.
In Medical Writing, he was editor-in-chief of the journals of the Phil. Medical Association, FEU Institute of Medicine and the Phil. Hospital Administrators Organization.

He served as president of the following medical organizations; Phil. College of Surgeons, UP Medical Alumni Society, Phil. College of Hospital Administrators, Phil. Association of Medical Writers, Catholic Physicians guild, Govt. Hospital Administrators Organization.

Among the honors and citations he has received are: “Outstanding Professional in Medicine”, U.P. Alumni Association; Gregorio Singian and Presidential Medalions, Phil. College of Surgeons; “Who is Who in the world”, U.S. Marquis Publication; “Distinguished Men of Philippine Medicine”, U.P. Mu Sigma Phi. Fraternity; Honorary Fellow International Academy of Proctology and the Phil. College of Dental Surgeons; Emeritus Consultant in Surgery, St. Luke’s Hospital; Honorary Consultant in Surgery, Veterans Memorial Hospital; Outstanding Catholic Physician for 1997, Catholic Physician Guild of the Philippines.

He was official delegate to international conferences: First World Conference in Medical Education, London; World Medical Association Congress, Paris; International Hospital Federation Study tour, Finland and Dusseldorf, Germany; WHO Conference, Korea; ISA Conference in Medical Care, Abidjan, Africa; Asean Conference in Public Health, Singapore.
His academic background: Elem., HS, AA (Magna cum laude) – Ateneo; Medicine – UP; MSHA with distinction Northwestern University; Postgraduate Surgery, Cook County Medical Center (Fellow USPHS); Study grant in Medical Care, US and Canada; Fellow WHO.

He is at present Vice – Chairman and Consultant, Board of Trustees, FEU-NRMF; Member, Board of Directors, Fortune Care Corp. (HMO); Member, Council of Advisers, Phil. Cancer Society; Member, Council of Elders Philippine College of Surgeons.

He is married to Marita Escolar, with five children all successful professionals.

Copyright 1998 Philip S. Chua, M.D. 
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