What's New

Obregon Heads Medical
Ministry International

Pedro J. Obregon, M.D., FEU Class ’60, who was originally from Iloilo City, Philippines, is the East-West Medical Director of the Medical Ministry International (MMI), a humanitarian group that frequently sponsors medical missions around the world several times a year. His wife, Judith, is his Co-Director.

Pete first joined the medical teams of the Medical Group Missions in 1987, of which he was appointed Medical Director for Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia. They went independent and formed the Medical Ministry International in 1995, two years after he retired from practice.

At FEU-IM, Pete was medical council president, a member of the Beta Sigma Fraternity, and graduated one of the top in his class.

Pete had his internship at the St. Elizabeth Hospital in New Jersey and surgical residency at the Mt. Sinai Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Norwegian American and Illinois Masonic Hospitals in Chicago, completing these in 1967. He is a Diplomate in Surgery and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and the International College of Surgeons.

He was Clinical Instructor at the Department of Surgery of Ohio State University from 1987 to 1998. He is one of the five founders of Columbus Community Hospital, which was built in 1991. After his private practice, he was named Surgeon Emeritus at Mt. Carmel Hospital in Columbus Ohio.

Today, Pete and his wife, Judith, who live in Sunbury, Ohio, keep a hectic schedule months after months, traveling and ministering to the healthcare needs of the underprivileged people around the world. An example of their remaining itinerary for their medical missions this year: June 10-24, 2005, Lord in Kibogora, Rwanda (with 7 team members); July 2-9, the Dominican Republic (19 members); the July 14-30, the Philippines (10 members); August 26-22, India (with 14 members); and October 22-November 6, Ecuador. Other countries they have served included: El Salvador, Mexico, Jamaica, Haiti, Honduras, China, Africa, Romania, Zimbabwe, New Guinea, Ukraine, Thailand, Nepal, Mozambique, Swaziland, Cambodia, Nicaragua, Mongolia, Madagascar, Burma, Tanzania, Ghana, and Bolivia. In the Philippines, the cities were Iloilo, Bulkidnon and S. Cotabato.
His email address is obbey@juno.com

“It's been a rewarding experience and we will continue doing this as long as the Lord give us good health and the funds to continue with His work,” says Pete. We all salute Pete and Judy, and commend them for their sacrifices and unselfish devotion in minsitering to the healthcare needs of underprivileged people around the world. With great pride in their Christian endeavors, we wish them great happiness and peace. May their tribe increase!

Letter to the Editor

This is a rebuttal to the racist, xenophobic and gutless person who sent in an unsigned letter to the editor published in the November 2004 (Volume 68, No. 11) ASA Newsletter, in response to Dr. Bacon’s May 2004 editorial.

It is rather unfortunate that at this day and age of a shrinking world and globalization of mankind, there is still a person (a physician? no less) who is an embodiment of bigotry and hatred. In his letter, this anonymous writer practically charged that all International Medical Graduates in the United States are incompetent. I am sure there are incompetent physicians among IMGs as there are among the American Medical Graduates. There are countless IMGs providing excellent patient care to Americans and who are a credit to this great nation.

When America needed medical manpower in the 60s because of the military draft, the country aggressively recruited IMGs from Asia and other parts of the world. The tens of thousand IMGs admitted to the United States had to pass multiple qualifying examinations, like their own country’s medical board examination, the ECFMG and English proficiency examination, State Board examination, American Board of Certification, and Recertification Exam. Has the quality of medical care in the United States the past 45 years worse off than the period before that? Aren’t the thousands of IMGs who have excelled in the academe, those who are department chairmen in the various medical universities and training hospitals around the country, those who have been serving the medical needs of the Americans, especially in the more remote smaller cities in the United States, not enough proof that the unequalled residency training programs in the United States, which are second to none in the world, had leveled the playing field for the AMGs and IMGs? Proportionately, there are more IMGs in the United States today who are specialists and sub-specialists in the various fields of medicine and surgery, a tribute to the excellent residency training program in this great nation.

To the angry writer of the bitter attack on IMGs who is hiding behind anonymity, please stay with the facts and be fair. Bigotry will not be beneficial to our profession.

Edmundo Manzano, M.D.
Munster, Indiana
March 21, 2005


Nequin Brings Honor
to his Alma Mater

Noel D. Nequin, M.D. FEU-IM 'Class 62 on April 18, 2004 completed a 5-year term as president of the American Medical Athletic Association (AMAA), the professional division of 16,000-member American Running Association (ARA). Founded in 1969 as the American Medical Joggers Association, AMAA is an organization of physicians and other medical professionals who promote jogging, running and other forms of exercise activities, utilizing the approach to promote health and fitness among their patients and families. AMAA have held medical meetings in conjunction with marathons in Boston, Houston, London, Toronto and Honolulu. On May 13, 2004, he was honored with Professional Excellence Award from Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White and during the Asian Pacific Heritage Month.

Last November 11, 2004, he was elected Medical Fitness Association chairman of the board and president. Medical Fitness Association (MFA) is the industry leader among medical fitness centers. MFCs are hospital or medically-affiliated health and fitness centers that bridge the gap to continuing outpatient programs. MFCs usually have cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation programs, rehabilitation services, pain management services, and programs meeting the needs of patient with diabetes, cancer, chronic renal disease, arthritis, etc. MFA currently has over 400 active members. There are currently over 700 medical fitness centers in the United States today, with an estimated 1000 such centers by the year 2010.

On March 2005, he received IDPH appointment to the new 11-member Atherosclerosis Advisory Committee of the Illinois Department of Public Health for a 4-year term. Enacted by the State of Illinois General Assemby as HB2735, the Atherosclerosis Prevention Act establishes a program for the Prevention of atherosclerosis and the reduction of disability and death from the disease. The program shall encourage and assist in the development of research, education, and preventive services and activities under public and voluntary auspices directed toward the prevention and elimination of atherosclerosis. The inaugural meeting of this Committee is April 27, 2005.

On April 3, 2005, he was bestowed honorary degree Doctor of Humanities (HHD) honoris causa during the 2005 commencement exercises of Central Philippine University (CPU), Iloilo City, Philippines, on April 3, 2005. Noel says "I was born into and grew up at CPU where my parents, both educators there for over 45 years each were pioneers in this 100-year old institution. CPU started in 1905 as Jaro Industrial School, a trade school for boys, became Central Philippine College in the 1920s, and Central Philippine University in 1953. My father, (Mr. Urbano Nequin) was the first shop superintendent of Jaro Industrial School while my mother, (Mrs. Teofila Nequin) was the first woman graduate when Central Philippine College became co-educational in the 1920s with the missionaries of the American Baptist Mission Society. In the 2000s, CPU is rated among the best schools in the Philippines, and currently has over 13,000 enrolled students. CPU is observing a 13-month-long celebration of its Centennial Year, with the largest crowd expected on July 31 to August 7, 2005 during the Grand Reunions on the campus". Congratulations, Noel!

BOT Chairman Thanks
US Alumni Foundation,
Local Medical Society

Dr. Josephine C. Reyes, Chairman of the FEU-NRMF Board of Trustees, has reiterated her thanks, on behalf of the Board, to the FEU-DNR School of Medicine Alumni Foundation (USA) for its invaluable and generous contributions over the years to the FEU-Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation (Institute of Medicine and the Medical Center). The acknowledgement also includes the local FEU alumni medical society.

Philip S. Chua, M.D., who is a member of the FEU-NRMF Board of Trustees, stated that the appreciation and gratitude of the Board extends to all the assistance the US alumni foundation has provided the Institute of Medicine and the FEU medical center over the years, including the donations for the purchase of the Girls High School Building on Morayta, which was used as the old medical school, to the construction of the present new campus on West Fairview, Quezon City.

Bares Appointments

The Medical Foundation Board of Trustees meeting April 14, 2005 approved the re-appointments of the following:

Dr. Joel Javate, Chairman, Department of Biochemistry; Dr. Liberato C. dele Rosa, Chairman, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology; Dr. Linda D. Tamesis, Chairman, Department of Pathology; Dr. Elinor G. Bartolome, Acting Chairman, Department of Physiology; Dr. Sylvia Carnero, Chairman, Department of OB-GYN; Dr. Constantino SAtons, Chairman, Department of Ophthlmology; Dr. Noe San Jose, Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology; Dr. Fernando Ayuyao, Head, Pulmonary Scetion; and, Dr. Ramon Mora, Head, Nephrology Section.

New appointments included: Dr. Carlomagno Micu, Acting Chairman, Department of Medicine; Dr. Nolan Pecho, Acting Head, Outpatient Department; Dr. Rene Mendoza, Acting Scetion Head, Ambulatory Servcie Center; and, Dr. Clester Bea, Acting Chairman, Department of Human and Structural Biology.

Dean Releases
Admission Tally,

IM Dean Remedios T. Habacon reported to the FEU-NRMF Board the tally of applications and admissions as of May 12, 2005, which was as follows:

Medicine (applicants - 400; enrolled - 213, 5 foreign students); Medical Technology (applicants – 132; admitted – 123); Physical Therapy (applicant – 42); Nursing (applicants – 1,170; admitted 700).

Meanwhile, Dean Habacon also informed the Board of Trustees that FEU topped the last Board Examination in Medical Technology. Patrick Khu Chua, Magna Cum Laude, garnered the highest score of 89.30. FEU also got the 8th place with Annie D. Jacino, a Cum Laude, obtaining a grade of 85.2. The national passing was 48.85% (682 of the 1392 who took the exam). FEU-NRMF graduates: 80% (98/123).

FEU Nursing Gets

The Institute of Nursing has just been granted re-acreditation for a period of another five years by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities, it was announced by Elizabth Melchor, FEU Vice President of Academic Affairs and a Board Trustee of the FEU-NRM Foundation. This honor validates the schools quality education in consonance with the strict standards of the national accrediting body.

USA Resumes Hiring
Program for RNS

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The resumption in hiring of Filipino nurses in the US hospitals is now possible with amendment of the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-first Century Act of 2000. The amendment provides for the recapture of 50,000 EB-3 visa (employment-based immigrant visa) numbers which were unused from fiscal years 2001 to 2004 and which will be used exclusively for the "Schedule A" occupations such as registered nurses and physical therapists.

The Philippine Ambassador to the United States expressed his appreciation to the US Congress for passing the EB-3 amendment. He commended the American Hospital Association, US recruitment agencies, the Philippine Nurses Association and the members of the Filipino Community for their concerted efforts in supporting the passage of this amendment. The Philippine Embassy in Washington, D.C. worked on the issue in coordination with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).

"This reopens the door for the entry into the US of our nurses who are well known for their competence and compassion as health workers," Ambassador Del Rosario said. The envoy added that this underscores a "win-win solution in addressing the critical demand for nurses in the US, which the Philippines can readily help address".

The EB-3 amendment was incorporated into the "The Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief Act, 2005," which was signed by President Bush yesterday.

The employment-based immigrant visa (EB-3) is used mainly by US hospitals for hiring foreign-trained nurses, mostly from China, India and the Philippines. The EB-3 amendment is expected to considerably advance the cut-off priority dates for countries with pending EB-3 applications. At present, the cut-off date for China, India and the Philippines is April 2002.

Last December, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that China, India and Philippines had already exhausted the visa numbers allocated to them. As a consequence, the processing of applications from the Philippines for nursing jobs in the US was halted. This worsened the critical shortage for nurses in US hospitals.

To Host its ’06 Confab

The Association of Philippine Medical Colleges (APMC) has chosen the Far Eastern University-Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Center as the host of its convention on January 26-28, 2006, according to Remedios T. Habacon, M.D., dean of the FEU Institute of Medicine.

The organizing committee is working on the theme, which could be “Humanizing Medicine in Philippine Medical Education.” Dean Habacon stated that the school is focusing on the moral issues involved in the practice of medicine and strengthening the role the academe plays in shaping the professional and ethical values of the medical students, the future physicians of the country.

The tentative topics are as follows: (1) Hippocratic Oath Revisited; (2) Perspectives in Health Care Delivery: The Role of the Bioethics Committee in Undergraduate Medical Curriculum; (3) Practices of Medical Schools that Address Current and Relevant Bioethical Issues Confronting Health Care Professionals; (4) Attitudes and Practices of Medical Students Towards Academic Excellence; (5) Developing the Emotional and Ethical Quotient (E2Q) of Medical Students: What can Medical Schools do about It? (6) Aligning the Medical Curriculum to the Philippine Medical Association's Code of Ethics: Educating future Doctors in Values and Virtues; and (7) Developing Role Models of Humane and Compassionate Physicians Among
Faculty and Consultants in Medical Colleges.

About 400 participants coming from Medical Schools all over the country. The organizing group is presently preparing for the venue, food, and other functions, and also providing assistance in hotel accommodation for all participants.

Medical Board
Review Starts

The Medical Board review at FEU for the August 2005 board exam has started last May 3, 2005, with 80 participants, and more expected, reports Dean Habacon.

“I am very happy for the review materials that the FEU-DNR School of Medicine Alumni Foundation has very graciously given us; rest assured it will be put into good use,” stated the Dean.


IM Accreditation
Set for September

The PAASCU visit and evaluation for the re-accreditation of the Institute of Medicine is tentatively scheduled on September 2005, and the school is in the process of preparing all the necessary requirements.

In the meantime, FEU-NRMF is having a continuing Medical Education Seminar for faculty members, with 4 participants per department, on May 19 - 21, 2005 at Nasugbu, Batangas.

FEU Medical Center
Celebrates its 50th

The hospital is celebrating its 50th Anniversary on October 21-22, 2005. Dr. Rey de Vega, Hospital Director, is in-charge of the festivities, which will be a 2-day celebration starting with a motorcade early morning of the 21st from Quezon City circle to the FEU Campus in West Fairview. This will be followed by free clinics, laboratory examinations, social activities, etc., culminating in a fellowship party.

Golf Schedule at July
Vegas Reunion Bared

The details of the golf tournament during the medical alumni reunion July 13-17, 2005 has been released. Interested golfers are encouraged to register early. The instructions for registration are as stipulated below.

1. July 14, 2005, Thursday
Tee Time: 7:00 A.M.
Fee: $ 100.00 - Include Green Fee, Cart and Lunch

Experience Siena Golf Club, Schmidt/Curley Design, with Majestic Mountain views of the Las Vegas Strip, Artful Bunkering and Undulating Greens, located 12 miles West of Las Vegas Strip in Summerlin.

2. July 15, 2005, Friday
Tee Time: 7:00 A.M.
Golf Course: Arroyo Golf Club at Red Rock
Fee: $ 100.00 include Green Fee, Cart and Lunch

Experience the Challenge, beauty and attentive service only found at a fine Country Club. AN Arnold Palmer Design, located 12 miles West of Las Vegas Strip in Summerlin.

*Golfers limited to 24 to 32 players only.
A. Monte Carlo Hotel - right on Las Vegas Blvd. South, to 215 West; Exit at Town Center and make a left turn, drive 1½ miles, left on Siena Drive to the Golf Course. B. From Monte Carlo Hotel - right on Las Vegas Blvd South, to 215 West, Exit at Sahara, turn Left and drive one mile, left on Red Rock Drive to the Arroyo Golf Course.

*Assembly Time at the Lobby - 6:00 A.M.
(car pool, taxi, minivan, limousine)

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Thursday, June 30, 2005
CHAIRPERSONS: Tony Zantua - Home: 702-869-3771
Cell Phone: 702-281-3934

Danny Fabito - Tel. No. 314-569-0957 - CP: 314-348-4424

Book Early to Get Discounted
Rate At Monte Carlo - Vegas

Alumni Foundation Executive Director, Jane P. Legaspi, M.D., posted a reminder for alumni to register early for our 26th Annual Reunion & Convention, to be held on July 13-17, 2005 at the Monte Carlo Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, to take advantage of the discounted room rate.

A large turn out is expected and the discounted rooms may no longer be available for late registrants. The toll-free number is: 1- 800-311-8999. Use the code name: XFEU05 when making reservation.

The honorees are Classes '80, '60, '65, '70,'75,'85, '90, and 95. The CME is jointly sponsored by the FEU-DNRSMAF and the PMA in Chicago.

If you have not already received your flyers, please call the Executive Office at (757) 482-4568 for detailed information, or email Dr. Legaspi at thelegaspis@yahoo.com


FEUNRMF Registration
Count for Year 2005

At the February 10, 2005 Board Meeting of the FEUNR- Medical Foundation, Institute of Medicine Dean Remedios T. Habacon, reported that the registration of as that date include the following: 1136 for the School of Nursing; 133 for the School of Medical Technology, 276 (local) for the Institute of Medicine (five foreigners: 4 Fil-Ams and one from India).

At the last meeting of the Association of Philippine Medical Colleges, CHED Commissioner Rolando dela Rosa presented the 5-year summary of board passing rank of medical schools. The three top schools with the highest passing averages were UP, UST and FEU, in that order.

The August 7, 2004 Medical Licensure Board Examination had a 51.43% passing. There were 2300 examinees and 1183 of them passed.

The figures for FEU alone are as follows the past four years:

FEU Passing
National Average
August 2004
February 2004
August 2003
February 2003
August 2002
February 2002
August 2001
February 2001


Past News

FEU Bags Home 8th,
9th Places in Feb '03
Medical Board Exams

Author: Maria Therese C. Torres (Caduceus)
Date: 10.12.2003: From FEUNRMF Website

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) released the result of the recent February Medical Board Exam. The licensure examination was given by Dr. Juanito B. Billote as the chairman and its members include Dr. Jose S. Ramirez, Dr. Edgardo T. Fernando, and Dr. Ricardo D. Fulgencio II.

Of the 1,415 examinees from various medical schools, 807 passed. Two graduates from the Far Eastern University landed on the 8th and 9th places: Virgilio T. Torculas, 83.00, and Rhandy G. Santos, 82.83, respectively. The National Passing Percentage for that exam was 57% and FEU-NRMF had a passing rate of 70%.

The oathtaking ceremony of successful examinees was held before the Board on Sunday, March 16, 2003, 1:00 p.m., at the Fiesta Pavillion of the Manila Hotel.

On the other hand, Dr. Danilo Marella of the HSB Department is now the new chairman of the Board Review of our school and the following members are Dean Flordeliza Baltazar, M.D., Dr. Edgardo Mendoza, Dra. Nela Porciuncula, Dr. Liberato dela Rosa, and Dra. Campo-Cruz.

Balik FEU 2005

FEU medical alumni are invited to attend the Balik FEU 2005 homecoming and reunion by Alumni Chairman Rolly Casis, President Arsenio Martin and Coordinating Committee Chairman Daniel C. Fabito.

To be held on January 18-23, 2005, this annual event also features a scientific seminar and has the Intercontinental Hotel in Makati as its hotel venue. The convention site will be the FEU-NRMF Medical Complex in West Fairview, Quezon City. The homecoming and seminar committee is co-chaired by Dr. Arsenio Martin.

The entire Balik FEU and Seminar are co-sponsored by the FEU-DNR School of Medicine Alumni Foundation (USA) and the FEU-NRMF Medical Alumni Society (Philippines), which is headed by Ernesto F. de la Cerna, M. D., president.

The celebrating jubilarians are Classes ’79 (Silver), ’74 (Pearl), ’69 (Coral), ’64 (Ruby), and ’59 (Sapphire).

The alumni from the U.S. will leave for Manila Sunday, January 16, 2005 and arrive the 18th to proceed to Intercontinental Hotel in Makati. The afternoon will be a free time for all. At 6:00 P.M., the shuttle bus leaves for the Welcome reception hosted by the local alumni medical society.

On Wednesday, the 19th, after breakfast, the shuttle bus leaves Interncontinental Hotel for the FEU-NRMF Medical Complex in West Fairview, where the alumni will meet with Dr. Josephine C. Reyes, Chairperson of the FEU-NRMF Board of Trustees.

A luncheon and a strategy session on a “Five-Year Agenda for Innovation and Excellence” for our Alma Mater will be jointly attended by the alumni from the United States and from the Philippines, the Dean and faculty members, the hospital director and heads of clinical departments.

In the afternoon that same day, the U. S. alumni will report to the clinical departments according to their specialty. At 5:00 P.M., the bus will shuttle the group back to Interncontinental Hotel .

After breakfast on Thursday, January 20th, the alumni will be bussed to the FEU-NRMF Complex for the CME, and at 5:00 P.M., the whole group will be shuttled to a restaurant for a get-together reception with Dr. Reyes, the dean, hospital director, department heads and faculty members, hosted by the U.S. alumni foundation.

Kapihan sa Piyo follows at 7:30 A.M. on Friday at the Faculty Club at the medical complex. The CME session continues after this breakfast-bull session. At 5:30 that afternoon, there will be a joint business meeting between the U.S. alumni and local medical society alumni. A Filipiniana Night will cap the evening.

On Saturday, the group will have free time to play golf or do anything they wish. At 5:00 P.M., the shuttle bus will take the alumni from Interncontinental Hotel to the Westin Philippine Plaza for the Annual Grand Ball. At 7:00 A.M., the alumni will be bussed for an excursion to either the Villa Escudero Resort or Hacienda Luisita. The final choice will be announced later.

For package tour, A & M Travel offers PAL airfare and 6-day/5-night stay at Intercontinental Hotel with complimentary breakfasts and roundtrip airport transfers for $1,030 double occupancy, coach, or $2,030 for Mabuhay Class. Travel agency toll-free number: 1-800-519-1806.

Dean Baltazar Retires

Dean Flordeliza M. Baltazar is retiring effective August 31, 2004. FEU-NRMF Board of Trustees tendered a testimonial dinner honoring her on August 30, 2004 at Anabels Restaurant on Morato Street, Quezon City. Dean Baltzar graduated from the UP College of Medicine in 1951 and placed 10th on the medical board examination in August of that year. She had her residency training in OB-Gyne at UP-PGH in 1956, and was a Colombo Plan Scholar to the United Kingdom in Obstetrical and Gynecological Pathology.

She was appointed Dean of the FEU Institute of Medicine in 1993, serving the FEU-IM for eleven years. She has been a Professor of OB-Gyne at FEU-NRMF since 1980, and has been a Trustee of the Medical Foundation from August 2003 to the present. Dean Baltazar has been conferred the title Professor Emertius in 2003. She was President of the Association of Philippine Medical Colleges Foundation from June 1, 2003 to May 31,2004.

For her exemplary services and dedication to FEU, we salute her and wish her all the best.

Board Appoints Dr. Remedios
Habacon Acting Dean of IM

Dr. Habacon is a 1972 graduate of the Far Eastern University Institute of Medicine. She is a Full Professor (since 1996) and Chairman (since 1994) of the Department of Pharmacology of the FEU-DNRMF. She finished her residency training in Pediatrics at the Children's Medical Center in Banawe, Quezon City, in 1976, and MS degree in Clinical Pharmacology at the University of the Philippines in 1993. In 1979, Dr. Habacon was a Fellowship Grantee in Clinical Pharmacology at the Strong Memorial Hospital/University of Rochester in New York. She is a Fellow of the Philippine Society of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology.

We welcome the appointment of Dr. Habacon and wish her good tidings and good luck. The Alumni Foundation looks forward to joining her in our mutual goal and common endeavor to make the FEU-DNRMF Institute of Medicine the best medical school in the country.

Two Thumbs Up For Troy Reunion

The FEU-DNR School of Medicine Alumni Foundation 25th Annual Convention and Reunion just got one level higher and broke the record of our yearly meetings with the July 14-18, 2004 gathering at the Detroit Marriott in Troy, Michigan.

Alumni have been raving about it. Thanks to Hernani and Myrna Tansuche, Renato and Daisy Ramos, and Deo and Clarina Pascual, the co-chairpersons of the local convention host.

The Silver Jubilarians (Class ’79) was the main honoree, followed by following celebrant jubilarians: the Sapphire (’59), Ruby (’64), Coral (’69), Pearl (’74), Class ’84 (20th year), Class ’89 (15th year) and Class ’94 (10th year).

The reception buffet dinner on Wednesday provided a wonderful opening for the reunion. Also commendable was the scientific sessions which tackled updates on various medical and surgical topics. The traditional Filipiniana Night provided not only fantastic native food but talent presentations from alumni pool of performers.

Capping the entire reunion was the Grand Ball on Saturday evening, where the ambiance was accented by a four giant white chiffon lace drapes that radiated from the center of the ballroom in a fan-like fashion to the sides of the ceiling, reminiscent of a wedding ball. Two 12-foot towering flower stands also draped in chiffon, one on each side of the wall behind the presidential table, with the FEU Logo up at the center of the wall.

Two other giant flower stands, similar in décor, framed the presidential table, one at each end. The beautiful floral centerpiece were also on a 3-foot pedestal of glass. whose theme for the ambiance made everyone felt they were attending a wedding reception. It was indeed a site to behold. To top it all, The dinner plate was likewise “decorated” very well with Filet Mignon and a large lobster as main entres.

Indeed, this reunion has set the tone for future conventions, if not the standard to beat.

President Amante Legaspi and Chairman of the Board Philip S. Chua lavishly lauded and thanked the local host for a fabulous convention-reunion.

The Nicanor Reyes Jr. Memorial Lecturer for this year was Daniel Fabito, a past chairman of the Alumni Foundation. The roster of past NRJ Memorial Lecturers includes Renato G. Ramos, M.D., 1996; William Roberts, M.D., 1997; Denton A. Cooley, M.D., 1998; Emelie Ongcapin, M.D., 1999; Emmanuel Balcos, M.D., 2000; Philip S. Chua, M.D., 2001; and, Jesus B. Nolasco, M.D., 2003.

The Most Outstanding Alumnus for 2004 was Edmundo Relucio, a past chairman of the Foundation. The past Most Outstanding Alumni are: Alice Yao, M.D., and Daniel Fabito, M.D., 1980; Philip S. Chua, M.D., and Renato G. Ramos, M.D., 1981; Rolando Solis, M.D., 1988; Emelie Ongcapin, M.D., 1989; Rolando Casis, 1990; M.D., Amante Legaspi, M.D., 1991; Arsenio Martin, M.D., and Nunilo Rubio, M.D., 1992; Cesar V. Reyes, M.D., 1993; Alberto Cruz, M.D.,1994; Robinson Baron, M.D. 1995; Cezar Lastimosa, M.D., 1997; Wilson Morales, M.D., 1998; Guat Sy, Jr., M.D., 1999; Liberator dela Rosa, M.D., 2000; Francisco Briones, M.D., 2001; Luzviminda Santangelo, M.D., 2002; and, Generosa Calderon Lazor, M.D., 2003.

2004 Election Results

The newly elected officers during this convention include Rolando Casis of Chicago, Chairman; Arsenio Martin, President; Arturo Basa, Executive Vice President; Pepito Rivera, Hernani Tansuche, and Oscar Tuason, Regional Vice-Presidents; Grace Rabadam, Secretary; A.C.B. Lastimosa, Treasurer; and Cesar Jimenez, Auditor. For 2004-2007, the following Trustees-At-Large (TAL) were elected: Cesar Candari, Rogelio Cave, A.C.B. Lastimosa, Hernani Tansuche, Avila Arcala, Manuel Sanchez, Edgar Borda, and Roger Bautista.

The incumbent TAL are: (2003-2006) Philip S. Chua, Rolando Casis, Edmundo Relucio, Pepito Rivera, Arturo Basa, Abraham Perez, Renato Estrella, and Fred Jimenez; and (2002-2005) Rolando Buan, Arsenio Martin, Amante Legaspi, Emelie Ongcapin, Grace Rabadam,Cora Carr, Oscar Tuason, and Manuel Malicay.

The incumbent chapter presidents are: Peter K. H. Go (AR), Rick de Leon (North CA),Pete Florescio (South CA), Pio Sian (FL), H. Nicodemus (DC), Manuel Sanchez (North IL), Viv Zata (Central IL), J.R.M. Mendoza (IN), Nita Labayen (KS), Regulo Tobias (KY), N. Guinigundo (LA), Alex Enrique (MD), H. Tansuche (MI), Gene Siruno (MN(, Proceso Arenos (MO), Rey Sandoval (NV), Elma Castillo (NJ), Grace Rabadam (NY), Y. Ganchorre (OH), Oscar Enriquez (TX), Sonie Aznar (VA), R. Estrella (WI) and Andres Rago (WV).

Jane P. Legaspi of Chesapeake, Virginia, has been appointed Executive Director of the Foundation, and Renato Ramos, Editor of the Ectopic Murmur.

The Foundation has bestowed the permanent title of Chairmen Emeritus to the following past Chairmen of the Board: Renato Ramos, Daniel Fabito, Edmundo Relucio and Philip S. Chua.

Medical Board Exam Results Bared

The national percentage of passing for the February 2004 medical board examinations was 51.94% and FEU-NRMF had 64.46%; in August 2003, it was 55.69% and FEU-NRMF was 61.28% with one FEU student garnering the 7th place; in February 2003, 57.23%, and FEU-NRMF was 71.97%, this time capturing the 8th and 9th place; in August 2002, the national passing average was 59.11, and FEU- NRMF had 60.15%; and, in February 2002, 66.03, and FEU-NRMF was 92.77%, and an FEU graduate placed 6th on this medical board examination.

The percentage of passing for the FEU-NRMF graduates have consistently been higher than the national average. However, the general performance on the medical board examinations of the graduates from the 32 medical schools in the Philippines is fair, at best, compared to the past several decades when there were only five medical schools in the country and the percentages of passing were up in the 80s and 90s and the scores, likewise much higher.

Indeed, this alarming trend spells a crisis in medical education in the Philippines. Why the appropriate governmental educational and medical school licensing agencies have allowed the dismal proliferation of medical schools in the country is disconcerting and puzzling. In a country the size of the Philippines, with its 86 million population, we really need no more than 8-10 medical schools, tops. However, it is apparent that the great economic incentive is there for enterpreneurs to get into the medical school business.

Unfortunately, the ultimate victims here are the future medical work force, the quality of healthcare, the people as a whole, and, very importantly, our national reputation. To the international observers, the Philippines might well look like a mecca of medical diploma mills, because the few good legitimate, high quality schools are negatively impacted by the substandard ones.

The February 2003 Medical Board Exam

From: FEU-DNRMF Website
Author: Maria Therese C. Torres (Caduceus)
Date: 10.12.2003

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) released the result of the recent February Medical Board Exam. The licensure examination was given by Dr. Juanito B. Billote as the chairman and its members include Dr. Jose S. Ramirez, Dr. Edgardo T. Fernando, and Dr. Ricardo D. Fulgencio II.

Of the 1,415 examinees, only 807 passed and we are proud to announce that two of our graduates landed on the 8th and 9th place: Virgilio T. Torculas, 83.00, and Rhandy G. Santos, 82.83, respectively. The National Passing Percentage is 57% and this time, FEU-NRMF had a passing rate of 70%.

The oathtaking ceremony of successful examinees was held before the Board on Sunday, March 16, 2003, 1:00 p.m., at the Fiesta Pavillion of the Manila Hotel.

On the other hand, Dr. Danilo Marella of the HSB Department is now the new chairman of the Board Review of our school and the following members are Dean Flordeliza Baltazar, M.D., Dr. Edgardo Mendoza, Dra. Nela Porciuncula, Dr. Liberato dela Rosa, and Dra. Campo-Cruz.

Dr. J.B. Nolasco dead at 87

Jesus B. Nolasco, M.D., fondly called "JB" by his friends and former students, died at 4:50 P.M., August 25, 2004. The sad news was conveyed within minutes of his passing by telephone to Farida I. Chua in Munster, Indiana, by Tessie Nolasco, wife of JB's son, Vic Nolasco.

The details of the funeral services and internment are yet being finalized by the family at this time, which is about 15 minutes (ago) from JB's demise.

Dr. Nolasco was Secretary of the Institute of Medicine, hand-picked by its first Dean, Lauro H. Panganiban, M.D. He was one of the founders and original faculty members (all from the University of the Philippines) of the
FEU medical school. He was also head of the Physiology Department at the FEU-IM.

Dr. Nolasco was greatly instrumental in organizing the FEU-DNR School of Medicine Alumni Foundation in the United States, and the first editor of the Foundation's Ectopic Murmur newsletter.

"JB's departure will diminish all of us, his family, friends and us, his students, who were beneficiaries of his intellect, talent, wisdom, compassion, patience and great humor. His passing creates a void in all of us. JB, we will miss you terribly. We all bid you farewell, and may you walk with God," Philip S. Chua, immediate past Chairman of the FEU-DNR School of Medicine Alumni Foundation, said upon receiving the news.

Dr. Nolasco was born on October 5, 1917. He is survived by his wife, Ester Villanueva, and his four children, Vic, Cesar, Imelda and Edwin.


The 24th Annual Reunion and Scientific Convention of the FEU-DNR School of Medicine Alumni Foundation July 16-20, 2003 in Norfolk, Virginia, was a huge success, breaking the record of the 2001 reunion in Las Vegas, which was the highest, reported Philip S. Chua, M.D., Chairman of the Board and Amante G. Legaspi, Sr., M.D., President, and Jane P. Legaspi, M.D., over-all convention Chairperson.

The venue of this year convention, whose theme was Update in Medicine and Surgery, was the Waterside Marriott, and because of the significant number of registrants, nearby Sheraton was contracted by the Foundation for the overflow. The scientific seminar was jointly sponsored with the Philippine Medical Association in Chicago for CME credits.

The welcome reception/seafood dinner, which was held at the Waterside Convention Center, was packed with alumni and their family. The Filipiniana Night was a sold out affair, and due to late registrants and extreme demand, the Chairman of the Board and the President, and their wives, Farida and Jane, had to voluntarily give up their seats for the late comers. Other officers were likewise prepared to volunteer their seats and dinner. The four had to order hamburgers and eat outside, by the door of the ballroom, after the rest had their formal dinner.

Foursome eating "Lipitor-treated" hamburger and fries

The 3-day scientific convention covered topics from Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Andropause, to Cardiology and Hypertension issues, Epilepsy, Smallpox Bioterrorism, Infectious Diseases, to CO2 Laser Transmyocardial Revascularization for End-Stage Coronary Artery Disease. The attendees hailed this seminar as the best in the history of the alumni foundation, for the quality of the papers and the presentation.

This year's reunion-convention saw the largest, a record-breaking, attendance at all functions, from the welcome reception, the Scientific Meetings, to the Filipiniana Night, the Membership Luncheon, and most especially the Grand Ball Dinner Dance. All these affairs were graced by the presence of Dr. Josephine C. Reyes, Chairman, FEU-DNR Medical Foundation in the Philippines, Dean Flordeliza Baltazar, Dean, Institute of Medicine, both of whom traveled at their own expenses to join these festivities, and Dr. and Mrs. Jesus B. Nolasco, of Jacksonville, Florida, UP Class 40 and former Secretary, FEU Institute of Medicine, and one of the founders and pillars of the alumni foundation.

Dr. Nolasco delivered this year’s Dr. Nicanor Reyes Memorial Lecture. The Roster of DNR Memorial Lecturers include Renato Ramos, M.D., 1996; Ronald Baker,M.D., 1997; Emelie H. Ongcapin, M.D., 1998; Denton A. Cooley, M.D., 1999; Philip S. Chua, M.D., 2000; Emmanuel Balcos, M.D., 2001; none in 2002; and, Jesus B. Nolasco, M.D., 2003.

Because of the function room occupancy law and the fire code, there were more than a dozen, who at the last minute wanted to buy tickets for the Grand Reunion Dinner Dance on Saturday, July 20th, who had to be turned down. Convention Chairperson, Jane Legaspi, predicted a good net proceeds for the Foundation from this year’s reunion. The host was the Virginia FEU Chapter, who did an excellent job.

This year’s silver jubilarian celebrant was the Class of ’78, and the other celebrating classes included Class ’58 (Sapphire), Class 63 (Ruby), Class ’68 (Coral), Class ’73 (Pearl), Class ’83 (20th), Class ’88 (15th), and Class ’93 (10th Anniversary). These class celebrants will likewise be honored at the January 14-17, 2004 Grand Alumni Reunion at the Westin Philippine Plaza in Manila, jointly sponsored by this Alumni Foundation in the USA and the FEU-DNR Alumni Medical Society in the Philippines. Dr. Generosa Lazur was chosen the 2003 Most Outstanding Alumna of the Jubilarian Class of '78. There were 33 Silver Jubilarians in attendance at the traditional and very touching Candlelight Ceremonies, where the "torch was passed on to the Class of 79." Class '78 donated $32,000 to the Foundation, officially presented to Drs. Josephine C. Reyes, Philip S. Chua and Amante G. Legaspi, Sr., during the grand ball.

The gala event in Virginia witnessed all the four (Norfolk 3 thru 6) large connecting function rooms at the Waterside Marriott opened to accommodate the ticketed alumni, their spouses and guests, a total of 470. The ambiance of the ballroom was a sight to behold. The only thing that surpassed this was the sumptuous dinner and the lively and fun-filled dancing that followed which lasted past midnight. The alumni truly enjoyed this fabulous reunion and scientific convention, and each went his or her own way home to the various states, some to the Philippines, with nostalgic and happy memories that they will cherish to provide added warmth in the winter of their life.

Both the Chairman and President stated that "overattendance is a good and positive problem to have, but regretfully this has caused seating dilemma, and the last minute requests for tickets had to be sadly turned down." They suggested early registration for next year to have assured accommodation in all functions.

2004 Annual Reunion and Convention

The 25th Annual Reunion and Scientific Convention will be held on July 14-18, 2004 in Troy, Michigan. Please mark this down on your calendar.

Please pre-register early, enjoy the discounted fees, and be assured of social function tickets and dinner seats.

The Alumni Foundation is not happy rejecting any of our alumni, but when the absolute top limit (which includes the allowed percentage of last minute add-ons for seats and dinner) has agreed upon and closed by the hotel, we have no choice but to abide by the contract, the city fire code and seating occupancy law.

2003 Election Results Bared

The results of the Norfolk 2003 elections for the Alumni Foundation Board of Trustees to replace those eight trustees whose 3-year term expired July 2003, were reported by Election Chairperson Melinda Fabito, and Secretary Grace Rabadam. The winners (in their order) are: Philip S. Chua, Edmundo Relucio, Rolando Casis, Pepito Rivera, Arturo Basa, Abraham Perez, Renato Estrella, and Frederico Jimenez. Their term expires July 2006.

Passage of Absentee Voting Rights and Dual Citizenship

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is flanked on the left by FEU-DNR School of Medicine Alumni Foundation Chairman Philip S. Chua, M.D., and on the right by Philippine News Editor and Founding Chairman of the National Federation of Filipino American Associations, Alex Esclamado who led the US delegation to lobby for the passage of the Absentee Voting Rights for the 7 million Filipinos all over the world. The NAFFAA group met with the President in Malacañang Palace January 15, 2003 to lobby for the passage of the bill, and again of February 13th at the Rizal Ceremonial Hall, when they witness the approval and signing of the bill, which was a historical and landmark event in the Philippines, a legislative feat attempted by the various congresses the past fifty years without success. The signing was witnessed by key leaders and members of both the Senate and the House of Representatives, and numerous leaders from various organizations around the world. Other members of the delegation who had left for the States earlier were: NAFFAA Chair Loida Nicolas Lewis, Vice-Chair Greg Macabenta and Rodil Rodis, a NAFFAA pillar.

The Philippine House of Representatives and the Senate have each passed its own version of the Dual Citizenship Bill, which now guarantees enactment of this into law very soon. The same community leaders from the United States who lobbied for, and witnessed, the signing of the Absentee Voting Rights bill, lobbied for the passage of the Dual Citizenship Bill. The two Houses are holding a bicameral session sometime the last week of July 2003 to consolidate the two versions into one, which President Arroyo promised to sign immediately when the final bill reaches her desk.

Alumni Foundation Elects Officers at Frisco Confab

The FEU-DNR School of Medicine Alumni Foundation (U.S.A.) elected its new set of officers during its 23rd Annual Reunion and Convention at the Grand Hyatt-Union Square in San Francisco, California, July 3-7, 2002.

Philip S. Chua, M.D., Class '61, a cardiac surgeon emeritus in Munster, Indiana, and who was president of the Foundation two years ago, was elected Chairman of the Board. Amante Legaspi, M.D., Class 68, an anesthesiologist from Norfolk, Virginia, and previously executive vice-president, was voted president.

Dr. Chua is currently Chairman of the Cardiovascular Surgery of the Cebu Cardiovascular Center at the Cebu Doctors' Hospital, Cebu, Philippines. He is past president of the Association of Philippine Physicians in America (APPA), the Society of Philippine Surgeons in America (SPSA), the PMA of Chicago, and the American Heart Association NWI chapter. Dr. Chua is married to his classmate, Farida Isip-Chua, and they have five children, all of whom are physicians, four of them married to physicians also.

Dr. Legaspi was president of the PMA of Eastern Virginia, the Virginia Association of Philippine Physicians, and the Chesapeake Medical Society. Dr. Legaspi is also past president of the APPA, which is the umbrella organization of all Philippine medical associations in the United States. Dr. Legaspi is married to Jane Peralta-Legaspi (Class '69) and they have two children, a son who is a lawyer in New York and a daughter, a global marketing manager of Unilever.

The other elected officers include: Cesar R. Candari, M.D., executive vice-president; Arsenio Martin, M.D., Rolando Buan, M.D., and Manuel Malicay, M.D., vice-presidents; Grace Rabadam, M.D., secretary; A.C.B. Lastimosa, M.D., treasurer; Cesar Jimenez, M.D., auditor. Cesar V. Reyes, M.D., is the executive director and editor of the foundation.

The eight newly elected Trustees-at-Large are Doctors Rolando Buan, Arsenio Martin, Amante Legaspi, Emelie Ongcapin, Grace Rabadam, Cora Carr, Oscar Tuason, and Manuel Malicay. The other incumbent trustees are Doctors Avila Arcala, Roger Bautista, Roger Cave, Rolando Casis, Melinda Fabito, Sam Lardizabal, Virgilio Jonson, R. Limosnero, Abraham Perez, Edmundo Relucio, Pepito Rivera, and Pascual Sales.

The chapter presidents who are on the board representing their respective state are Peter K. H. Go (Arkansas), Ric de Leon (North California), Fe L. Aragon (South California), Honorato Nicodemus (District of Columbia), Rey Daco (Florida), Edgar R. Borda (North Illinois), Vic Zata (South Illinois), J.R.M.Mendoza (Indiana), Nita Labayen (Kansas), Regulo Tobias (Kentucky), N. Guinigundo (Louisiana), Alex Enrique (Maryland), H. Tansuche (Michigan), Gene Siruno (Minnesota), Daniel Fabito (Missouri), Ray Sandoval (Nevada), Miguel Hugo (New Jersey), Emy Magpantay (New York), Y. Ganchorre (Ohio), Manny Rivero (Texas), Jane Legaspi (Virginia) R. Estrella (Wisconsin) and Andres Rago (West Virgina).

FEU-DNR Medical Foundation Medical Alumni Society, Inc. (Philippines)

Secretariat: Room 316, Institute of Medicine, FEU-NRMF Medical Complex, Regalado Avenue, West Fairview, Quezon City.Cely T. Ocampo, Office Manager Email: celyfeualumni@yahoo.comTelephone: 935-0025 Telefax: 930917-478-16406-7175 Cell: 0917-478-1640

OFFICERS (2002-2004)

- Fernando G. Ayuyao, M.D.
Vice President - Sonny Matias E. Habacon, M.D.
- Linda D. Tamesis, M.D.
Assistant Secretary - Anna Belen C. Ignacio-Alensuela, M.D.
Treasurer - Ramon Edgardo C. Rono, M.D.
Assistant Treasurer
- Lucila V. Micu, M.D.
Auditor - Wilfredo Y. Tayag, M.D.
Public Relations Officer - Maximo B. Axibal, M.D.
Immediate Past President - Liberato C. dela Rosa, M.D.
Liaison Officer - Joey U. Uranza, M.D.
Board Directors - Vic Fileto T. Chua, M.D.
Ernesto F. dela Cerna, M.D.
Reynaldo B. de Vega, M.D.
Edgardo D. Mendoza, M.D.
Noe P. San Jose, M.D.
Efren R. Vicaldo, M.D.


Copyright 1998 Philip S. Chua, M.D. 
All Rights Reserved