FEU-DNR School of Medicine Alumni Foundation, Inc. 42nd Annual Reunion and Scientific Convention

Date: July 18-22, 2023

Venue: Delta Hotels by Marriott
12021 Harbor Boulevard
Garden Grove/Anaheim, CA 92840
Tel No.- 714-867-5555

[Hotel Reservation]

For info, contact
Hernani Tansuche, MD


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Most Outstanding Alumnus Award

Four of the past recipients of The Most Outstanding Alumnus Award are shown during the 34th Annual Reunion at the Intercontinental Hotel on Magnificent Mile in Chicago July 18-21, 2013 (l-r) Daniel C. Fabito, MD, FACS, FPCS (1980, awarded in Orlando, FL); Rolando Solis, MD, FACC (1988, Long Beach, CA); Renato Ramos, MD, and Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS (both in 1981, Anaheim, CA). Picture taken and sent in by Arturo Basa, MD, FACS, also an awardee (2013, Chicago).


Save the lives of our front-liner physicians, nurses, and others on the battle ground who put themselves in harm’s way treating COVID-19 patients without adequate protective gear. Some have died. Go to www.FUN8888.com and click on the yellow DONATE button and help save our noble heroes.

Today is Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Email: feumedicalalumni@gmail.com

To all alumni: Please contribute articles and pictures of your class for our alumni website.

FEUDNRSMAF academic scholar tops 2019 Septem-ber National Physician Licensure Examination

 FEUDNRSMAF academic scholar Vien Christian Lim Lansan-gan ranked 4th place in the recent September 2019 PLE, with a score of 89.75%. He graduated Magna Cum Laude in June 2018. The last time an FEU-NRMF graduate was in the top 5 for the September PLE was in August 2009, when FEU-NRMF alumnus Riavic Fuentes took 5th place.

This year, the number four is a lucky number since FEU-NRMF ranked 4th among the top ten performing schools with a passing rate of 98.34%. During the 2017 and 2018 September PLE, FEU-NRMF ranked 10th. The Passing rate in 2017 was 92.54% and in 2018 94.01%.

Foundation Officers (2018-2020)

Induction of New Officers of the FEU-Dr. Nicanor Reyes School of Medicine Alumni Foundation, Michigan Chapter, at Andiamo Bloomfield in Bloomfield Township on Saturday (05/11/2019)

 Present were: Dr. Dionisia Sy, President, Dr. Esther Aigan-Guervarra,Vice President, Dr. Evelyn Altares, Secretary, Dr. Efren Platon, Treasurer., Dr. Rodolfo Son, Auditor, Dr. Isidro Almeda, Business Manager, Dr. David Villaneuva as PRO, Board of Directors were Drs. Cheryl Canto, Dr Arnel Clarin, Dr. Chona Lastimosa, Dr. Daisy Ramos, Dr. Evelio Santiago, Dr. Cesar Solarte, Dr. Ethel Villaneuva, Dr. Rosemary Aquiler-Angeles, Immediate Past President, Dr. Hernani Tansuche, Parliamentarian. Other members present: Dr. Leong Tan, Dr. Guat Sy, Dr. Clair Perez, and Dr. Concepcion Ancog.

Class of '93 Silver Jubilarians Las Vegas Reunion at Suncoast Hotel (08/04/2018)

 Standing L-R Joel Mabalot, Jonathan Go, Dante Cubangbang, Mario Bautista, Arden Acob, Emmanuel Abesamis, Alex Manalang, Elmer Jumig,Arthur Macatangay, Winston Serrano, Rod Penaflor, Raul Magadia, Patrick Ticman, Nathaniel Sumilang, Harvey Natividad, Joselito Santiago.

Sitting L-R Mary Grace Tapawan-Serrano, Joyce Dumlao-Javellana , Maria Cristina Atienza-Acob, Maria Charlotte Alvarez, Debbi Edano, Armina Batingal-Pasia, Virginia Reyta, Petrolina Padayao-Mina, Mary Jane Tanawan-San Antonio , Melanie Sinsuan-Carreon, Angeline Yeo, Maria Teresa Yu-McCabe, Maria Cristina Manalo.

Class '61 Cruise #4
United Class '61 members pose for a photo on deck of the Royal Caribbean's Rhapsody of the Seas on their cruise to Alaska September 2012. The two photos below show them on their Class Cruise #2, a two-week sojourn to Indonesia and Malaysia, in January 2015, on board the Celebrity Millennium, the largest cruise ship in Asia. They were joined in by some members of Class '62, '63, and the Carolina Medical Mission team from Raleigh, NC. Some of the alumni were also participants in various medical missions before and after the cruise. Class ’61 Cruise #3 was a 7-night cruise to Southern Caribbean in April 2016 on Royal Caribbean Adventure of the Seas. Its Cruise #4 was a 12-night sojourn to the Iberian Peninsula aboard RCCL Celebrity Eclipse in September 2018, with two members from Class 64 and 65.

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Dr. Santangelo tribute in EM

Above is the color artwork for the masthead for the Ectopic Murmurs, a new, bold, and refreshing look.

[ Ectopic Murmurs Archive ]

COVID-19 also kills the young
 The younger generation is also vulnerable to get COVID-19! It is a deadly misconception that they are not, a fake news that puts the elderly at even a greater risk. Irresponsible people of any age could make this pandemic worse than the virus itself, by being arrogant and inconsiderate, not cooperating with the health authorities.
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Know thy enemy: SARS-CoV2
 In any war, it is best to know one’s enemy well to have a better chance of survival. We must know all we can about our invisible adversary, SARS-CoV2 virus, the cause of the current COVID-19 pandemic, in order to defeat this virus which, (Click On: COVID-19 Latest Data), and numbers and fatalities are still going up. It is suggested that 40-60 percent of the population could be infected before this pandemic ends.

Viruses are not alive

What is a virus? Contrary to conventional knowledge, viruses are not living microorganisms like bacteria, so the virus is not "alive."
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Copyright 1998 Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS 
All Rights Reserved for FEU-DNR-SM-AF